
Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is already here, but the new year is a great way to refresh, recharge and refocus on our goals. While it doesn’t have to mean “New Year, New Me!”, the start of the new year is a fun time to get back on track in areas we may find ourselves lacking. Traditional resolutions are notoriously hard to keep, especially when they’re really extreme (how many people do we know that decide they want to hit the gym at 5am every day beginning January 1st only to give up within a week or 2?). Thankfully, they don’t have to be so absolute anymore. We have to be more realistic with our goals and give ourselves some grace, so I wanted to share a few “resolutions” that you can actually keep if you’re ready to make some changes.

Eat a little bit healthier every day.
Instead of saying you’re going to cut out all sugar and carbs (and send your body into withdrawal so bad you wind up bingeing in the middle of the night on junk), how about taking things day by day and making small changes to your meals instead? Instead of having 3 donuts for breakfast, how about having a more balanced meal with scrambled eggs, veggies and fruit? Or, swap out that candy bar for some Greek yogurt, honey and fruit for a sweet snack that’s more nutritious and filling but still healthy. Eating healthier DOES take some planning (everybody’s body is different and we all like different foods), but  adopting healthier eating habits vs. going on a diet is a LOT easier in the long run.

Find a way to get active.
Whether you go for a walk on your lunch break or do 20 minutes of yoga in the morning, try to find a way to get some type of physical activity into your schedule every day. Our bodies get used to our routine, so even a minor change in our activity levels will give us some results. If you hate the gym, look for individual workout classes in your area (Athleta is always partnering with studios + fitness instructors for fun classes), or pick up a workout video and light weights to do something at home . The goal is just to get to moving for your overall health.

New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keepimages via

Slow down and spend more time with your loved ones.
Being busy is really big in our culture right now, but it’s OK to slow down and just enjoy time with your friends and family. Being around people that make you happy and laugh will do wonders for your mental health, so remember to schedule in those lunch and shopping dates and hang out when you can.

Make time for self-care (whatever that means for you).
You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you have time for self-care in your schedule. For some, self-care is going to get a mani/pedi every week (hello Nail Bar & Co!) and for others, it’s taking a hike in the woods or going running. Whatever it is that helps you reset and feel good about yourself, make time to do it.

Streamline your closet and (only wear things you love).
Now is the perfect time to get your wardrobe organized. You don’t have to purge everything and buy a whole new wardrobe, but you SHOULD take a day out to go through and only keep things that fit you beautifully and that you will actually wear. It’s all about having a versatile wardrobe that you can wear for all the moments in your life, so instead of trying to adapt a capsule wardrobe because it’s a popular thing right now (and getting frustrated because you feel like you need all new clothes), just get it more organized and add in the pieces that you actually need. Your wallet (and personal style) will thank you!

Be sure to check our calendar to learn about store events in The Shops of Saddle Creek!